About Us

The AT & UDL Loan Library is a part of the Technology & Learning Connections (TLC) Team of the Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Project at the University of South Florida. Statewide technology support services for accessible instructional materials, accommodations, assistive and instructional technologies, Universal Design for Learning, and virtual learning/assessment have been integrated into the PS/RtI Project to provide district and school based problem-solving teams with guidance on the implementation of a highly effective, universal, differentiated core curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards. The PS/RtI Project is a part of Florida’s MTSS Projects.

The TLC Team includes the following people:

Janet Good, TLC Unit Coordinator, [email protected]


State AT&UDL Technology Coordinators

  • Janet Good, AT & UDL Loan Library Distribution Center Coordinator, Port Orange, [email protected]
  •  Tara Jeffs, Assistive Technology Support Services Coordinator, [email protected]
  • Danalyn Workentin, Assistive Technology Support Services Coordinator, [email protected]

Regional Training Support Specialists  

Regional Local Assistive Technology Specialists


"Technology & Learning Connections – MTSS : Increasing student achievement through the systemic alignment of technology, policies, and curriculum."