Each kit you receive should arrive in an individual shipping container (box, padded envelope, etc). This makes for easier returns and provides a way to send back one kit at a time, whether for repair or for an early return.
For your convenience, it is recommended that you keep the original shipping container your kit arrived in; this will make the return process simpler. For larger items, this will be a cardboard box; for smaller items, you should have received an extra padded envelope for your return shipment.
You will be contacted via email near your due date to begin the return process. That email will include instructions for completing the return.
To return a kit early, contact either Loan Library Distribution Center via email, or contact the sender of the kit, whose info can be found on the included Kit Component Checklist.
It is important that all kits be returned in a timely manner. If you have kits that are significantly overdue your new orders will be held until arrangements are made for the overdue kits to be returned.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
State Technology Coordinators
- Janet Good, AT & UDL Loan Library Distribution Center Coordinator, Port Orange, [email protected]
- Tara Jeffs, Assistive Technology Support Services Coordinator, [email protected]
- Sandi Smith, Assistive Technology Support Services Coordinator, [email protected]
Regional Training Support Specialists
- Jason Rhodes, Training Support Specialist, [email protected]
- Gregory Ennen, Training Support Specialist, [email protected]
- Lauren Proulx, Training Support Specialist, [email protected]
- Olamide Fasida, Technology Management Specialist, [email protected]
Loan Library Distribution Center: Port Orange, FL
- 386-761-9909
- 1-844-848-8936 (Toll Free)
Loan Library Distribution Center: Hollywood, FL
- 954-925-6195
- 1-844-705-4385 (Toll Free)